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Dubai Georgia Istanbul Antalya

Turkish South Pole Program

Turkish South Pole adventure

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4 days - 3 nights
5 Star Hotel
snowy regions in Turkey

Bursa Trip



Bursa Trip

Bursa - Saitabad Falls - Zoo

Heading to Saitabad Waterfalls, visiting the Ottoman Village, then heading to Bursa to visit Ulu Mosque and the National Zoo and back to the hotel.

Activities For The Day

gardens gardens
Mosques Mosques
Natural landmark Natural landmark
Archaeological site Archaeological site
Lake Lake
Mountain Mountain

Bursa & Uludağ



Bursa & Uludağ

Ski and History Trip

Heading up to Mount Uludag via cable car to enjoy activities, then visiting the old Ottoman village, shopping in Bursa and visiting Ulu Mosque.

Activities For The Day

Cable car ride Cable car ride
Mosques Mosques
Skiing Skiing
Archaeological site Archaeological site

Bursa (Uludag - Inkaya)



Bursa (Uludag - Inkaya)

Uludag - Inkaya - IST

Heading up to Uludag Mountain via cable car to enjoy winter tourist activities, then visiting the perennial tree, and back to the hotel in Istanbul.

Activities For The Day

gardens gardens

Bursa Saitabat > Istanbul



Bursa Saitabat > Istanbul

Saitabad - Ottoman Village - Istanbul

Visiting Saitabad Waterfalls, then the Ottoman Village, shopping in Bursa markets and visiting Ulu Mosque, spending free time and back to Istanbul.

Activities For The Day

stores stores
Mosques Mosques
Archaeological site Archaeological site
Mall Mall
Mountain Mountain
waterfall waterfall

Note: We Offer Flexible Program Schedules

Program Features



Airport pick-up with private car
Airport pick-up with private car
24/7 support team
24/7 support team
Does not include international airline tickets
Does not include international airline tickets

Safaraq Tourism Channel

Enjoy Watching The Most Beautiful Tourist Destinations And The Best Tourism Activities And Programs In Turkey

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This matter differs between citizens of one country and another, as citizens of some countries can obtain a visa directly from the airport.

As for the rest, to obtain a visa, some steps must be followed, and they are:

  • Reserve your line at the visa office of the consulate or the Turkish embassy in your country, and this is often done through the website and for free, as a day is set for the interview to present the papers.
  • Prepare your necessary and required papers for your tourist trip, which consists of:
  • A copy of the passport translated into English or Turkish, with a certification of the translation from a notary.
  • Two recent personal photos.
  • Criminal record statement document (not sentenced).
  • A bank account statement for the last three months.
  • A copy of the plane ticket reservation.
  • A photo of the hotel reservation.
  • Visa application form.
  • A certified and translated copy of the family document if there is a person under the legal age of 18 among the applicants, and the consent of the guardian who did not apply for the visa must be attached, stating his approval of the visa application, travel, residence, and immigration, certified by a notary.
  • Supporting Financial Documents:
  • Bank account statement (with account movement for the last three months).
  • A statement from the employer or the company in which the applicant works (containing the applicant's name, surname, passport number, job role, and salary) or proof of ownership of a company certified by a notary.
  • A travel health insurance policy (with coverage of 30,000 € of illness, injury, or death), and this document is sold at insurance offices for approximately $ 25.
  • Other documents that may improve the status of your visa application:
  • If the applicant has traveled to Turkey before, it is preferable to attach the relevant passport pages.
  • Ownership documents of any property in Turkey, if any.

The transportation networks and roads in Turkey are built on a modern style comparable to the most developed countries, in terms of tunnels, bridges, and highways.

However, there is no doubt that the metro remains the fastest way to move between areas in the same city, and fast trains that connect Turkish cities provide the most beautiful and fastest tourist trips.

Turkey has also supported air transportation between its cities through its discounted and affordable daily flight programs, so hardly any Turkish city has an internal airport that serves the needs of each state.

One of the most successful means of transportation in Istanbul is the Metrobus lines providing a high-speed means of transportation between the two parts of the city (the European and Asian sides).

In addition to that, you can find shipping lines, high-end buses, airport buses, and other means.

All means of transportation in Istanbul are used through one smart electronic card.

Yes, a private credit card can be used in Turkey, and the value is calculated according to the bank exchange rate.

It is indicated that the culture of buying with credit cards is widespread in all stores, shops, and restaurants in Turkey, so you will not find any difficulty in purchasing with your credit card, and this will not force you to carry more cash in your wallet.

The capital of Turkey is Ankara, the second-largest crowded city after Istanbul, and is close to the various states, and a large part of it is located within the Central Anatolia region, surrounded by several states, including Cankri, Karakkale, Aksaray, and Konya.

The mountain on which Noah's Ark is anchored in Turkey is Jabal al-Judi, a landmark located in southeastern Turkey, in the state of Sirnak, along the Syrian-Iraqi border.

The Turkish lira is the currency of the Turkish Republic. In 1927, the Turkish lira replaced the Ottoman lira, and the Turkish Central Bank undertook the task of issuing the banknotes, the denominations of which ranged from one to two hundred liras, and the coins, with the denominations ranging from one penny to one lira.

The first article of the Turkish Constitution stipulates that the state of Turkey is one of the republican countries, which means that the people elect a new president at the end of each specified period, and the Turkish constitution has set this period to five years.

Applications for entry visas for tourism or commercial purposes for citizens of several countries are submitted through the official online platform of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, available in nine languages, including Arabic and English, within minutes.

Snow in Turkey happens usually in the months of December and January, but some areas preserve it more due to the lively nature. The most beautiful areas of snow in eastern Anatolia are Cappadocia in the state of Nevsehir, and Lake Abant, an hour and a half away from Istanbul, and Cameli Himcin in Rize, and Mount Agri, the highest mountain in Turkey, as well as the foothills and between the folds of Trabzon forests.

Anatolia or Asia Minor includes most of the Turkish territory, except for the eastern part known historically as the Armenia Plateau. It is surrounded by the Aegean Sea, Marmara, the Black Sea in the north, and Syria in the south, and many civilizations have been found there, including the Hittin civilization who launched the word (Ashwa) on this region, and it turned to Asia in Greek, and from which the name of the continent of Asia descended. The term first appeared in the fourth century AD by one of the Byzantine rulers.

Turkey was named by this name in relation to the word Türk, meaning Turkish, and its origin goes back to the word (tu-kin), which is the name given by the Chinese in 177 BC to the inhabitants of the Altai Mountains in Central Asia, and it is a specific ethnicity of the Asian people who inhabited Central Asia and reached Anatolia and settled until it acquired the lands known today as the Turkish Republic.

The current Turkish President is Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The river that originates in Lebanon and empties into Turkey is the Orontes River and enters Antakya from Syrian lands.

The Turkish War of Independence took place between the nineteenth of May 1919 and the twenty-fourth of July 1923, and then the Turkish Grand National Assembly decided to establish a republic in Turkey, which was announced on October 29, 1923.

Turkey is located in the Anatolia region between Asia and Europe, and the largest part of it is located in Asia and only 3% in Europe. Bordered by the Mediterranean and the Aegean seas from the west and southwest, and the northwest by Greece and Bulgaria.

Turkey contains different weather patterns, as the coastal areas along the Mediterranean and the Aegean have a Mediterranean climate, which is characterized by a cold, wet winter and hot and dry summer. The steppes, meaning that there is a difference in temperature between day and night, and little rainfall compared to the snowfall, and the western part of the Anatolian Plateau in addition to the southern coast is distinguished by its moderate Mediterranean climate.

Official holidays in Turkey vary between religious, national, and social occasions, as there is a New Year holiday, on the 23rd of April the Children's Day holiday, on the first of May the Labor Day holiday, on the nineteenth of May the Youth and Sports Day holiday, and on the fifteenth of July The holiday for Democracy and Solidarity Day, on August 30 is the Victory Day holiday, and on October 29 is the Republic Day holiday, in addition to the Eid al-Fitr holiday and the Eid al-Adha holiday.

The Turkish constitution guarantees freedom of belief and religion for everyone, and the majority of Turkey's population practice Islam. According to statistics, this constitutes 99% of the country's population, while research centers state that the percentage of Muslims in Turkey ranges from 97% to 98% of the population.

Many tourists, students, or Arab arrivals to Turkey notice that the Turkish society does not know the English language for the most part, and this problem dates back to the date of the founding of the Turkish Republic. Due to internal issues, people’s attempt to preserve the Turkish identity.

Contact the concerned authority whose competence relates to the emergency order, and the numbers of emergency cases in Turkey: fires 110, ambulance 112, phone problems 121, medical services and natural disasters 113, municipal police 153, traffic police 154, rescue forces 155, gendarmerie forces 156, coast guard 158, Post office 169, Tourist Information 170, Blood Bank 173, Forest Fires 177, Psychological Consulting 182, Health Advice 184, Water Corporation 185, Electricity Corporation 186, Gas Corporation 187.

Turkey is located in the eastern Mediterranean region, and it is surrounded on three sides by temperate seas, as it has a diverse climate, and includes a wide range of popular tourist attractions, which suit the tastes of tourists, including exciting adventures, tourist medical resorts, recreational parks, and sacred religious places. It is also characterized by an Islamic character in its social system, which made it a great popular destination.

Turkey is one of the richest countries in the world culturally, historically, and geographically, which makes it ranked sixth among the best tourist destinations in the world, and its tourist places are unmatched globally. Turkey has more than eighty thousand mosques, and UNESCO World Heritage sites include five Ten heritage sites, which is the largest number of sites among the countries of the whole world. Besides, the Turkish coast consists of three hundred and eighty beaches and more than twenty marinas, according to global environmental standards, and Turkey is one of the largest centers of biological diversity in the world; It is home to about ten thousand species of plants, as well as the largest variety of birds, and it contains more than nine thousand species of flowers, and there is no desert found in Turkey.

Turkey is one of the countries with an important strategic location in the region, as it is located between the continent of Asia and the continent of Europe, in a location characterized by its charming nature, and the seas that surround the site from several sides. In the north, it is bordered by the Black Sea and in the south by the Mediterranean Sea, it overlooks the Aegean Sea from the west, while it is bordered by the Sea of ​​Marmara from the northwest; Therefore, it is characterized by favorable weather for tourism in most of them, but the city of Antalya is among the best cities in terms of weather, and there is the city of Mugla, which is in a distinctive place and has the Fethiye region famous for its beauty and tourist fame, as well as Trabzon, Uzungol, the city of Bursa, Cappadocia, Izmir, and others.

Turkey is one of the modern industrialized countries in the world, and it has the nineteenth rank of nominal GDP in the world, and the thirteenth in GDP according to purchasing power parity, and is among the world's leading producers of agricultural products, textiles, cars, transportation equipment, building materials, consumer electronics and devices, household appliances, as well as to be ranked in advanced positions in the world in the field of tourism and commercial financial imports.

Turkey is a vast country and the weather is varied according to the different locations. The Mediterranean region has winter rains of 200 millimeters per month, and in the Aegean region the average precipitation is about 100 millimeters per month, and in the Black Sea region, you can see rain all year round. And in central Anatolia, the rainfall is moderate during the spring season.

The coldest city in Turkey is Erzurum, as when hot water is thrown into the air, it freezes directly.

Kofta is called “Çig köfte” and it is considered one of the popular foods, as well as “simit” and “borek” pastries and is eaten for breakfast, and Iskender kebab is one of the Turkish dishes that are beloved by the Turks and is eaten for lunch, as well as various grills, shish Tavuk, the meal known to many Arabs, and meat with dough (Lahmajoun) and sold in grill shops, and beans are one of the most popular meals for Turks.

Most Turkish markets are characterized by cheap shopping compared to European countries, so tourists can buy whatever they want at prices that suit them, as well as various gifts.


ay 1: Istanbul – Bursa – Arrival

  • Depart from Istanbul by ferry with a private driver to Bursa.
  • Upon arrival in Bursa, take the cable car to the summit of Uludağ, a snow-capped mountain.
  • Enjoy free time to participate in activities such as quad biking, skiing, and snow tubing.
  • Then, check into your hotel at the top of the mountain.

Day 2: Bursa – Uludağ Mountain (Stay in Bursa)

  • Spend a free day on the top of Uludağ Mountain to enjoy the snowy views and winter activities.

Day 3: Bursa – Uludağ Mountain (Overnight in Bursa)

  • Free day on the summit of Uludağ Mountain to enjoy the snow-capped views and winter activities.

Day 4: Bursa – Uludağ Mountain (Stay in Bursa)

  • Spend a free day on the top of Uludağ Mountain to enjoy the snowy views and winter activities.
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