Soon in Istanbul: Halal Expo (The World's Largest Exhibition)!

Soon in Istanbul: Halal Expo (The World's Largest Exhibition)!

As Halal food is one of the most important elements of Islamic tourism, Istanbul, Turkey, hosts the eighth edition of the Expo for Halal Products, underscoring Istanbul's important place in hosting exhibitions in Turkey.

The Halal Expo will simultaneously be held with the 7th World Halal Summit of the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the second-largest intergovernmental organization after the United Nations.

Expo Halal To Start Soon

The exhibition will kick off on November 25 and run until November 28 at the Istanbul Exhibition Centre.

According to information by The Anadolu Agency about the Halal Accreditation Foundation, Halal Expo will host representatives from various halal business sectors from food to finance, tourism, cosmetics, publishing and education.

Expo Halal Exhibition

25 Countries at Halal Expo Istanbul!

According to the Organization for Islamic Cooperation, visitors from more than 25 countries are expected to participate in this year's edition of Halal Expo, estimated at $2.3 trillion for 2015.

Halal Expo, the world's largest halal product, will have meetings between hundreds of halal sales delegations from different countries and marketing and commercial meetings to strengthen the position of the halal sector in the world.

The Halal Accreditation Foundation of the Turkish Ministry of Commerce will also participate in the Halal Expo, where it has dedicated a platform to the exhibition.

25 Countries at Halal Expo Istanbul Exhibition

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Edited by Safaraq Tourism

Source: Anadolu Agency

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