Halal Tourism in Turkey | Growing Demand and a Promising Tourist Market

Halal Tourism in Turkey | Growing Demand and a Promising Tourist Market

Over the past two decades, Turkey has been known for its outstanding tourism services for tourists who prefer to stay in facilities that provide halal tourism services, to become a popular term in the tourism market, based on which many of Turkey's tourist resorts have started providing integrated services in this field.

Statistics show that hotel occupancy in facilities providing services of 'Halal Tourism in Turkey' increased by 100 per cent as of the beginning of September 2021.

Halal Tourism in Turkey Exceeds Expectation

In this regard, Emrullah Ahmet Turhan, Secretary-General of the International Halal Tourism Federation, said that the current tourist season had recorded significant interest and figures that exceeded expectations.

Halal Tourism in Turkey

Turhan added that a wide range of holidaymakers prefers to stay within facilities with halal tourist services and want to spend their holidays in Turkey, thanks to its excellence in resorts conforming to the specifications of halal tourism and embrace a large number of historical and natural sites.

Mr Turhan pointed out that Turkey has become among the first specialized countries to provide this type of service, as well as the reasonable costs of tourism in Turkey and being a safe tourist environment. He said: "Turkey has different advantages that support its tourism sector, the most important of which is the diversity of attractive tourist destinations, the quality of facilities and services, in addition to the advantage of reasonable prices. All these factors make it a destination for holiday and recreation season."

Turkey Tourist Resorts

It was only normal that the success of the tourism season among investors in the halal tourism sector was reflected in the profit-taking during the season. Mr Turhan reported that hotel occupancy in facilities providing halal tourism services was 100 per cent as of the beginning of September.

Turkey has more than 100 facilities with a capacity of nearly 50,000 beds, which operate in halal tourism.

"Although there are no official statistics from the Turkish Ministry of Tourism regarding the halal tourism market, given the bed capacity and occupancy rate in hotels, we can say that the number of stays in these tourist facilities was about 2.5 million in 2020," he added.

Halal Tourism

Turhan noted that the pace of investment in the halal tourism sector aims to attract 8 million tourists to Turkey. He explained that halal tourism is a sensitive issue that needs special management, from the tourist's first trip until departure, which requires better attention to the quality of services.

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Edited by Safaraq Tourism

Source: Anadolu

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