Explore the World's Highest Tea Cup

Explore the World's Highest Tea Cup

Establishing the Highes Cup of Tea in Rize

A building under construction in Rize is preparing to enter the Guinness Book of Records as the highest cup-shaped building globally.

This 7-storey building, approximately 30 metres high, will house a tea museum in Rize and a theatre imitating the tea-growing experience from the beginning until the end.

According to organisers, establishing the tower aims to promote tourism in Rize, tea products, and their types.

Establishing the Highes Cup of Tea in Rize

"In addition to Rize's charming nature, green highlands and plateaus, this building will be the largest cup of tea in the world," said Mr Muhammed Erdogan, president of the Rize Commercial Exchange.

"In Riza, all locally produced tea is available and will be on sale, with six cafés, each offering different types, especially in several parts of the state," he added.

It is worth noting that Rize accounts for 60% of Turkey's total tea exports and is one of the world's largest tea makers.

Tea in Rize, the world's largest cup of tea


Edited by Safaraq Tourism

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