The Number of Tourists Arriving in Cappadocia Increased by 85%

The Number of Tourists Arriving in Cappadocia Increased by 85%

The historical region of Cappadocia, located in Nevsehir, east of the Anatolian Plateau, is one of the most important tourist areas in Turkey, thanks to its long history, a destination for tourists to enjoy its landscapes, watch it from the sky, using hot balloons, which have become its feature among Turkish cities.

The Number of Tourists Arriving in Cappadocia Increased by 85%

According to Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism data, Cappadocia ranked third after Istanbul and Antalya in attracting foreign tourists.

Given the statistics on the number and nationalities of tourists arriving in Cappadocia, the Chinese ranked first with 156,000, followed by Taiwan with 47,000, followed by South Koreans with 42,000.

Cappadocia, now one of Turkey's largest tourist attractions, has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1985 for its deep-rooted history and a range of unique attractions.

$50 Million Investment in Cappadocia

In a statement to Omer Tosun, the museum hotel and spa founder said: "We aim to extract the hidden and latent geothermal energy in Cappadocia to develop tourism in the region. So far, we have reached thermal differences of 40 to 110 degrees Celsius, and when this is generated, we will establish luxury spas, a power plant, and many other facilities to develop investment in greenhouse water medical tourism."

"We are seeking to offer all the possibilities for the development of Cappadocia as a centre for greenhouse water medical tourism," he added.

$50 Million Investment in Cappadocia


Specialized and Efficient Brands Needed to Promote the Tourism Sector

"To promote Turkey's tourism sector, we need highly efficient and credible projects, and to achieve this, we need to study the needs of tourists, take their opinions, especially guests from abroad, and make plans to work accordingly. So far, we have reached a prestigious position in the field of leisure tourism globally," Mr Tosun said.

Cappadocia, Turkey: Roots and History, and Most Important Features

It is noted that the region has gained fame for its many historical monuments, telling the story of many civilizations, as well as its unique monuments that have made it a distinctly historical icon.

Many ancient civilizations have passed through Cappadocia, and the city was ruled by Persians, Haitians, Assyrians and Greeks, and later in the Middle Ages settled by Armenians during the Byzantine period, and then by a number of Turkish tribes.

Cappadocia is an important and internationally renowned tourist destination for its geological, historical and cultural nature, the most important of which are:

  • Fairy Chimneys in Goreme
  • Derinkuyu (Underground City)
  • Ihlara Valley: one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in Cappadocia

Cappadocia has also recently gained fame for its hot balloons, one of the most attractive and popular tourism activities, particularly in Goreme, as well as its unique hotels, often in the form of caves and houses carved into the rock.

Edited by Safaraq Tourism

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