Turkey: $5 Billion in Tourism Revenues in the First Quarter of 2022

Turkey: $5 Billion in Tourism Revenues in the First Quarter of 2022

Tourism revenues in Turkey in the first quarter of 2022 reached a record of 122% compared to the same period last year.

According to the official Turkish Statistical Institute, tourism revenues in Turkey during the first three months of 2022 amounted to $5,454,488,000 noting that 76.5% of revenues were from foreign tourists and 23.5% from visits by Turkish citizens living abroad.

The data indicated that official statistics did not include telephone roaming expenses and airport and border port expenses. Information from the Turkish Statistical Institute confirmed that the average spending per tourist in Turkey was higher than the previous year, with the average spending per tourist for a day and night being $75 this year while it was only $68 during the past year.

The information showed that the total number of tourists during the mentioned period was 6,451,657 tourists, 76.6% of whom are foreigners, estimated at 4,943,964 people, while Turks visiting their country was 23.4% with a number of 1,507,693 citizens.

Tourism ranked first on the visitors' wish list, with family and friends in second place, while shopping came in third place for visitors to Turkey during the period.

Turkey Tourism Revenues in 2022

Edited by Safaraq Tourism

Source: TRT Arabic

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